Ca Na Negreta S.A.

Recycling center

The easiest way to recycle




We offer our customers a new service more convenient and quicker to make requests for removal of waste, both from the web as our mobile APP CA NA NEGRETA that will find in Google Play or APP STORE.


By accessing your client area you can request the removal of vegetable oil or any type of waste at any time and day of the week. Moreover, you can consult all your previous withdrawals and the status in which they are.


You can access your client area or request the access codes. This application is free of charge.


Latest updates

Document destruction


We now offer our customers a new document destruction service in accordance with the UNE 15713:2010 Standard. We remove documents in paper format, AZ files, CDs, pen drives… and in less than 24 hours they will be destroyed and you will be provided with proof thereof.


If you wish, we can provide you with 120 or 240-litre closed containers to store the documents and when they are full, all you have to do is give us a call and we will take away the full one and replace it with an empty one.


Don’t waste time destroying your company´s documents. Let us take care of it.

Asbestos removal

At Ca Na Negreta we are specialists in the dismantling, transport and management of asbestos elements with all authorizations.

Vegetable oil management

If you have an establishment that generates vegetable oil from kitchens, we take care of the removal and management of the waste. You can also make money from it.


We are authorized to collect vegetable oil by the Servei de Residus del Govern Balear with NIMA-07000022 and manager 04G000000007057.

Metal recovery

We buy all kinds of recoverable metals in bulk from both individuals and companies. Copper, lead, zinc, tin, aluminium, iron… many everyday objects can be delivered to Ca Na Negreta to be weighed, valued and bought by us. A way to help the environment and obtain economic returns from what we no longer use: pans, cutlery, shelves, hotel and catering furniture, taps, pipes, etc. All scrap metal is worth something.


Efficient solutions that work

Integral waste management

Hazardous and non-hazardous waste

Vegetable oils





Electrical, computer and electronic equipment

Workshops, transport, restaurants, hotels…

Metal purchasing

Vehicle de-registration

We collect, transport, decontaminate and process the de-registration of different types of vehicles, machinery and boats that are no longer in use free of charge.

Second hand spare parts

We have a large stock of second hand fully guaranteed spare parts.


We offer a cheap and safe option for acquiring parts, giving them a new lease of life.

Towing service

We have a 24/7/365 roadside assistance service for all types of vehicles: everything from light vehicles to heavy duty trucks.


  • Today we have delivered a gift of a ham to our client Nico within the raffle carried out among all......

  • Today we have delivered a gift of a ham to our client Ivan within the raffle carried out among all......

  • Todos los trabajadores de Reciclajes Ca Na Negreta les deseamos unas felices fiestas y próspero año nuevo. Estas navidades estaremos......