17 Jun Where to throw the gloves and masks?
In the health context in which we find ourselves, there are many doubts regarding where we should place the masks, gloves and other protective elements that we use in our daily lives during this exceptional situation.
In this new situation, we have to adapt to many changes in habits as a result of Coronavirus, and one of them is the daily use of different protection elements and single-use products. These products generate a large amount of waste that for much of the population is unknown the container to which it must be thrown.
These wastes (gloves, masks, overalls, shoe covers, face shields…) whenever they are generated in a sanitary facility (defined in article 3.2 of the Balearic Decree on sanitary waste) or places that have had confirmed contact with a person infected with COVID19 (in any area, including the home), we will treat them as group III (infectious) sanitary waste.
To do so, these residues must be carefully deposited in a container that meets special approval and identification requirements, which we will later remove and manage in compliance with the strict regulations on sanitary waste.
We have refrigerated vehicles, a cold room, trained personnel, special protective equipment to meet all the requirements for transport, storage and management of these wastes.
We remove health care waste from IB-Salut centres on Ibiza and Formentera as well as from private clinics, veterinary centres, tattoo studios, etc.
Recommendations for household management of waste in COVID19 positive or quarantined households
Waste from households, hospitals, ambulances, health centres, laboratories, and similar establishments in contact with COVID-19 will be managed in accordance with the following instructions:
In households with positive or quarantined COVID-19, the bags of residual fraction generated, properly closed following the recommendations described below, shall be deposited exclusively in the residual fraction container or in any other residual fraction collection system established by the local authority.
It is strictly forbidden to deposit such bags in separate collection containers (organic, packaging, paper, glass or textile) or to leave them in the environment or on public roads.
Household management of waste in households with positive or quarantined COVID-19, is recommended according to the following:
Patient waste, including disposable material used by the sick person (gloves, tissues, masks), should be disposed of in a plastic bag (bag 1) in a trash can provided in the room, preferably with a lid and foot switch, without any separation for recycling.
The plastic bag (bag 1) should be closed properly and placed in a second garbage bag (bag 2), next to the exit from the room, where the gloves and mask used by the caregiver will also be placed, and closed properly before leaving the room.
Bag 2, with the previous waste, will be placed with the rest of the domestic waste in the rubbish bag (bag 3) corresponding to the remaining fraction bin.
Immediately afterwards, complete hand hygiene with soap and water should be performed for at least 40-60 seconds.
The properly closed bag 3 should be placed exclusively in the rejection container (grey container). The use of differentiated coloured bags (e.g. red) is recommended in order to be able to differentiate it in case of needing to identify the bag.
Recommendations for household management of waste in households without positive or quarantined for COVID-19
The management of waste from households that are not positive or in quarantine for COVID-19 will continue to be carried out in the usual way in accordance with the ordinary regulations on waste management, taking into account the following recommendations:
The home management of waste in homes without positive or quarantine, is recommended as follows:
The separation of the waste will be done as usual, trying to maximize this separation in order to reduce the remaining fraction generated. The separate fractions shall only be deposited in the appropriate containers.
Latex or nitrile gloves used for other purposes should not be placed in the lightweight container (yellow), but in the rest container, as well as masks, shoe covers, face shields, etc.
Source: Orden SND/271/2020 of march 19th